Anyway, welcome to my newest blog. Yes, I said newest blog. If you don't already know, I am a fairly prolific writer and have active blogs set up on a number of totally eclectic topics such as food, green living and sexual health. I created this blog more as more personal sounding board-to write about the things that don't fit into my other blogs as well as more personal topics. Sometimes controversial topics. Before you proceed, I feel the need to make this disclaimer: topics on this blog may cause you to pee your pants in laughter, blush in embarrassment, cause moments of deep introspection and probably cause you to sputter in anger. I tend to approach life with a no-holds barred attitude and this blog certainly will highlight that. Few things will be considered sacred and some will be heavily ridiculed or criticized. That's just how I am-take it or leave it. The choice is up to you.
Now, for a little about what makes me uniquely me. I am a single mother of 4, chef, writer and shit pot stirrer. I fight tirelessly for the underdog and am a firm believer in freewill so long as your decisions do not harm others. I am a huge fan of classic rock, heavy metal, 80's and classical music, I think horror movies are the simply the best and I will read virtually anything I can get my hands on. I am a small business owner and volunteer my time and talents whenever I can. I currently work in a local bar and love what I do. I have a small and eclectic group of friends that I will fight tooth and nail for if needed. I am the minion of two of the devil's advocates that I named Stout and Porter (they are rescued barn kittens that I am 98% sure are part Bengal based on their sometimes annoying mental and vocal abilities). I am a self-proclaimed craft beer snob and am embarking on the journey to become a certified cicerone. I am also writing my first cookbook, which is dedicated to the Ohio craft beer industry. I love snowy days and one day hope to live in a lake side cabin in the mountains. I prefer Coke to Pepsi, toilet paper under the roll not over and night over day. Anything else? Just ask. My life is virtually an open book!
Disclaimer: Some of the things I will be writing about will include the occasional product review. Many of these review items are provided to me free of charge in exchange for my honest critique. There are very rare occasions where I may receive a cash payment in exchange for a post. Neither free items nor cash will EVER color my opinion about a product. The reviews I write are 100% me and mine, your mileage and opinion may vary. I will also sometimes post affiliate links, in the body of an article or as a list after the fact. If a link interests, please click thru. I may or may not make a few pennies for your effort. For me, writing is cathartic, but if I can make a little pocket change in the process, I am certainly NOT going to turn it down!
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