Friday, April 1, 2016

Thirty Day Writing Challenge

One of the things I enjoy most in this world is writing. I currently write on a number of various topics on the internet and am working on a cookbook. Right now, everything I post is non-fiction in one form or another, how to's, guides, recipes, reviews, etc. As a child, I was quite a prolific creative writer and published the very first time when I was in fifth grade in a young authors program. Throughout school, I wrote a variety of fiction stories, myths and copious amounts of poetry. As I grew older, I distanced myself further and further from the realm of fiction, tackling more non-fiction topics as my creativity became stifled by the demands of work and parenting. When 2015 morphed into 2016, I made a promise to myself that I would start writing creatively again. A couple of weeks ago, a meme popped up on my Facebook feed titled the "30 Day Writing Challenge" and I decided to embark on this challenge beginning this month. Each day for the entire month of April, I will be tackling the corresponding challenge. I'm sure the results will be an eclectic mix of funny, sad, eye opening, enlightening and more. For those of you that are interested in following along, here are the 30 prompts with links to the individual blog post.
  1. Five problems with social media
  2. My earliest memory
  3. My first love and first kiss (First crush, first true love, first kiss)
  4. Ten interesting things about myself
  5. A place I would live but have never visited
  6. Someone who fascinates me and why
  7. What tattoos I have and what special meaning they have
  8. A book I love and one I didn't
  9. My feelings on ageism
  10. A fruit I did not like and why
  11. My current relationship status
  12. Two words or phrases that make me laugh
  13. My commute to and from work
  14. My life in 7 years
  15. Three pet peeves
  16. Bullet list my entire day
  17. A quote I try to live by
  18. My favorite color and why
  19. Five fears I have
  20. Put my music player on shuffle. Write down the first 3 songs that play and my initial thoughts of them
  21. My zodiac sign and whether I think it fits me
  22. My morning routine
  23. A family member I dislike
  24. Something I miss
  25. Four weird traits I have
  26. Things I'd say to an ex
  27. What I wore today
  28. The word or phrase I use constantly
  29. The night of my 21st birthday
  30. One thing I am excited for
It is my hope that these prompts will help to energize my creative spirit and help me forge ahead in my writing career. I love writing non-fiction, but the time has come to awaken the sleeping creative spirit that lurks inside of me and begin publishing more and more fiction as well. 

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